The average ROCE of the company over the last ten years is 40.79% but is lower at 31.98% in the last three years. The company has net current assets to the tune of INR 21,000 Crore. The company has projects worth INR 7800 Crore in progress (CWIP - Capital Work In Progress). The operating cash flow of the company last year was around INR 4000 Crore. The company has always remained profitable in the last 15 years and paid dividends regularly.
The Indian government owns 80% of the company.
At the current market price of INR 90.3, the market cap of the company is INR 35,800 Crore. The stock price has touched the low it saw in May 2007. So this is eight and a half year low price for its share. The price earnings ratio is less than 8 and dividend yield is 9% (I doubt it would sustain though). The share price had touched an all time high of INR 550+ in May 2007 as well as Feb 2010. I think the company is not very expensive at the current valuations.