The average ROCE of the company over the last ten years is 30% while it is higher at 45% in the last three years. The company's net current assets at the end of FY2016 was 45 Cr. The operating cash flow of the company over the last ten years was average 12.11 Cr while higher at 15.78 Cr in last five years.
The promoter shareholding came down from more than 32% in FY2013 to less than 27% now. But that might be due to sharp increase in share price of the company. The same promoters increased their holding between FY2010 - FY2013.
At the current market price of INR 550, the company has a market cap of INR 180 Cr. The share price was trading around INR 250 between 2005-2013. During this time the book value of the company increased from INR 80 to INR 240 now. The company is not very cheap but not very expensive either. It might become attractive if price corrects by half.